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Openwater Church: Three Ways to Improve Communication in a Marriage

Openwater Church Odessa, FL

· Openwater Church,Openwater Church FL

At Openwater Church in Odessa, Florida, marriage ministry is one of the many offerings designed to help people deepen their relationships with both their loved ones and God. There are many facets of a successful marriage, communication being a key factor, including elements such as the following:

  • Spend lots of time together talking, even if it’s catching up about what you did on a particular day. As our schedules get busier and busier, it’s easy to forget to connect each day and completely detach from the rest of the world for a few moments.
  • Practice expressing negative feelings in a constructive way, using lots of “I” statements to minimize any accusatory tones. This how change really occurs, being able to slow down and share what you’re feeling with your partner in a way that won’t incite explosive conversations and hurt feelings.
  • Express happiness and positive feelings to your partner when you feel them. It’s much easier to express negative feelings than share positive affirmations and gratefulness for our loved one when we feel it. Try to balance yourself to share five positive things for every negative comment shared with your partner.

Openwater Church is dedicated to offering multiple types of ministry, including youth and music ministry along with marriage ministry to reach all members of their congregation in an individualized manner.